BULLETIN                                                      8 OCTOBER 2017


Saturday 7 October  

Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary
Holy Mass at 10.00 am for the Brady and Hillferty families
Vigil Holy Mass at 5.30 pm for the congregation

Sunday 8 October  

Sunday Holy Mass at 10.30 am for the congregation

Monday 9 October  

Holy Mass at 10.00 am for Donna Weatherston

Tuesday 10 October  

Holy Mass at 10.00 am for John Fisher

Wednesday 11 October  

Memorial of Saint John XIII
Holy Mass at 10.00 am for Frances Giblin

Thursday 12 October  

Holy Mass at 10.00 am for Bert Gilmour

Friday 13 October  

Requiem Holy Mass at 10.00 am for Alice Docherty

Saturday 14 October  

Our Lady's Day
Holy Mass at 10.00 am for a special intention
Vigil Holy Mass of Sunday at 5.30 pm for Joshua O'Neill

The Holy Mass intention list is just over two weeks ahead. Please notify anniversaries as early as you can. Thanks.
Any changes to the above times caused, for example, by a funeral will be notified on the home page of this website.

Saturday 7 October  
Vigil Holy Mass at 4.30 pm

Holy Mass at 10.00 am

Sunday 8 October  
Sunday Holy Mass at 10.00 am

Sunday Holy Mass at 11.30 am

Monday 9 October  
Tuesday 10 October  
Wednesday 11 October  
Thursday 12 October  
Friday 13 October  
Saturday 14 October  
Holy Mass at 12 noon
Vigil Holy Mass at 4.30 pm


Saturday 7 October  
9.00 am Private Meeting
Sunday 8 October  

11.30 am

Tea and Coffee after Holy Mass

Monday 9 October  
9.30 to 11.30 am
5.30 to 6.30 pm
6.30 to 8.00 pm
7.30 pm

Parents and Toddlers
Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Tuesday 10 October  
9.00 to 11.00 am
3.45 pm
7.30 pm

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Irish Dancing
Ignatian Prayer Group

Wednesday 11 October  
3.45 pm Irish Dancing
Thursday 12 October  
6.00 to 7.30 pm
7.30 to 9.00 pm
6.15 to 8.15 pm

Spirit of Youth Drama

Friday 13 October  
9.30 to 11.30 am

Parents and Toddlers

Please remember in your prayers:
Colin Boyle (Largs) and Alice Docherty (Seamill) who died recently;
Peter Martean 1969, Catherine McHugh 1977, Joe Brady senior 1963, Vincenzo Carrino 1980, Alex Jamieson 2006, Bill Henderson, Mary Colvin 2000, Jane Coulter 1998, Dan Donnelly 1941, Chrissie Ferguson 2006, Joseph Harvey 1998, Harry Kemp 1972, Shannon McTaggart 1996, Maureen Haddington 2002, Vincenzo Marchetti 1968, Mary McCarroll 1913, Ena Millar 1987, John Petrie 1966, Bruce Gallacher 1995 and Robert Ireland 2008 whose anniversaries occur at this time and those who are sick.
If deceased members of your family are not on our anniversary list, please tell Father Duncan
, the parish office or contact WebsiteAuthor@SaintPeterinChains.net.

Sunday Holy Mass times in Saint Peter's are 5.30 pm Vigil and 10.30 am. Sunday Holy Mass times in other local parishes can be seen here.

The Sacrament of Forgiveness is celebrated on Saturdays between 4.45 and 5.15 pm and at other times on request.

If a member of your family or a friend is sick, please let us know and give us the details. Deacon Bill Corbett (01292 521208, 07904 248948, Rev.BillCorbett@btinternet.com) is the chaplain to Crosshouse Hospital and is assisted by the priest on call each week.

Bankers Orders for the Parish and Parish Centre amount to £3500 per month. We are grateful for your generous support in collections. If you can manage a little more from time to time, it would be a great help. A Standing Order would make the handling of money so much easier. Have you signed a Gift Aid form? If you are a taxpayer the Church would get 25p added to every £1 you donate.

Last weekend's Offertory collection amounted to £767.77 and the Maintenance Fund collection to £295.36 - thanks.

The Inland Revenue now requires us to use a new style of Gift Aid form. These are available at the back of the Church and on the parish website. If you pay tax, please complete the new form and return it to the box provided. This allows us to provide the additional information required on the Gift Aid claim. Gift Aid is a vital source of income. All that is needed is that you pay tax. You simply declare that you give funds to the Church. We do the rest. Why not sign a form today? We get back an extra 25p for every £1 you give the Church in your weekly collection or by way of a donation. There is no need to cancel or renew it. We simply claim in the income we receive.

Our parish records are covered by the Data Protection Act and are for parish use only. We cannot give out phone numbers or addresses. Please help us to keep our records up to date using the cards provided.

Next weekend's readers are Marade Griffin at 5.30 pm and Alfie Agostini at 10.30 am.

Next weekend's altar servers are Group 1 at 5.30 pm and Group 3 at 10.30 am.

Next weekend's musicians are the choir at 5.30 pm and the senior school choir at 10.30 am.

Next week's Children's Liturgy helpers are Emma Paterson for the pre-fives, Frances Gemmell and Gayle Paterson for Primaries 1, 2 and 3 and Maria Paterson-Kidd and George Kidd for Primary 4.

Next Sunday's teas will be served by Maria Boyle's team.

The word Rosary means 'Crown of Roses'. Our Lady has revealed to several people that each time they say a Hail Mary they are giving her a beautiful rose and that each complete Rosary makes her a crown of roses. The rose is the queen of flowers and so the Rosary is the rose of all devotions and it is therefore the most important one. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lies the awesome story of our salvation. With the Rosary in fact, we meditate the mysteries of joy, of sorrow and the glory of Jesus and Mary. It's a simple prayer, humble so much like Mary. It's a prayer we can all say together with Her, the Mother of God. With the Hail Mary, we invite Her to pray for us. Our Lady always grants our request. She joins Her prayer to ours. Therefore, it becomes ever more useful, because what Mary asks She always receives, Jesus can never say no to whatever His Mother asks for. In every apparition, the heavenly Mother has invited us to say the Rosary as a powerful weapon against evil, to bring us to true peace. With your prayer made together with Your Heavenly Mother, you can obtain the great gift of bringing about a change of hearts and conversion. Each day, through prayer you can drive away from yourselves and from your homeland many dangers and many evils. It can seem a repetitive prayer but instead it is like two sweethearts who many times say one another the words "I love you". Saint Pope John Paul II on 16 October 2002 with the Apostolic Letter 'Rosarium Virginis Mariae' on the Most Holy Rosary has added five new mysteries of the Rosary - The Mysteries of the Light.


"Let yourselves be swept along by God's grace. For he calls on us now, through the Pope, to reform our lives and renew our love. And he tells us too that our Western world, racked by apostasy, rebellion, rationalism and immorality, can only be regained for Christ if many of us return to the narrow path of authentic Christianity."                 Father Werenfried

Loving and honouring each other and the Lord
When you married, you took each other for better, for worse. God experienced the 'worse' when his 'bride', the Jewish people, rejected him by worshipping other gods. The 'worse' for you may be when your spouse mocks your beliefs. Have you shared your hurt, let them know your pain? Remember, though, that God has loved the 'worse' in you.                 Isaiah 5:1-7 Phil 4:6-9 Matt 21:33-43

After Mass, a little boy told the Parish Priest"When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money." Bemused, the Priest said "Well, thank you - but why?" "Because my daddy says you're one of the poorest preachers we've ever had!"
A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year old daughter and said "Would you like to say the Grace before Meals?" The girl replied "I wouldn't know what to say?" The wife answered "Just say what you hear mummy say." The daughter bowed her head and said "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"

Pope Francis's monthly intention for October is for the workers and for the unemployed - that all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good.

On Sunday 22 October at 3.30 pm, Bishop Conti is going to be crowning the Picture of Grace of Our Lady of Schoenstatt at the Pastoral Centre near Lennoxtown. There is a list at the back of the Church today for those who would be interested in going and we would organise a coach from the parish. We would probably leave around 1.00 pm and return after Holy Mass at around 6.00 pm. The Rosary is at 3.00 pm and Holy Mass with crowning is at 3.30 pm. I think the coach would cost around £10 per head. Please have a think and put your name on the list at the back of Church today. Thank you.

The children of our parish who are old enough will be confirmed by Bishop William on Monday 19 February 2018 and will receive Holy Communion for the first time at a Sunday Mass in May. The Primary 4 children are welcome to go with the Children's Liturgy at the 10.30 am Mass on Sundays 8, 15 and 22 October for their own readings and preparation then join us on Sunday 29 October for Presentation Sunday. Their Children's Liturgy will continue at 10.30 am Mass thereafter. We look forward to seeing all the new Primary 4s.

We are ambitiously aiming to teach the girls to knit on Thursday 9 November between 7.30 and 9.00 pm so that we can make hats and blankets for various charities. We would very much appreciate your help. Our goal is to teach the girls to cast on, plain knit stitch, garter stitch and cast off. If you think you could help to teach one of our girls how to do this, please contact Coral on 07950 231241? Also, if you have any spare balls of chunky or thick wool or any old needles, size 6 plus that you would be willing to donate, please bring them to the box at the back of the Church and we will collect. Thank you.

Following the daily 1.00 pm lunchtime Holy Mass in Saint Andrew's Cathedral, the annual Forty Days for Life reunion will take place in the Eyre Hall, Archdiocesan Office, 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow on Saturday 14 October from 2.00m to 4.00 pm. After Holy Mass, tea and coffee will be available for all those who took part in the prolife prayer vigils over Forty Days for Life during Lent in 2017. Please consider taking part in Forty Days for Life during next Lent in 2018. Following the Consecration of Scotland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we continue to pray for a culture of life in Scotland and around the world. Saint John Paul II wrote in Evangelium Vitae 'What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of life. All together, we must build a new culture of life'. - paragraph 95

Three first year pupils from Saint Matthew's Academy, Saltcoats - Ami Paterson, Hana Thorpe and Lucy Skene - are hosting a Coffee Morning on Saturday 14 October 2017 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm at the Ardrossan Allotments and Community Garden, Elm Park, Ardrossan. Everyone is welcome.

The family of the late Frances Giblin and her sister Betty would like to thank everyone for Mass Cards, flowers and sympathy that was shown to them at this sad time. The sacrifice of the Holy Mass will be offered for your intentions.

We recently sent a further 201 filled backpacks to Malawi, making a total of 1989 since we started eight years ago. As this is an ongoing project, we are constantly collecting and storing the required items. At present, we need soap, toothpaste, tennis balls, desert spoons and backpacks but will accept any of the required items you may donate. Thank you for your many previous donations.

Are you visiting us for Holy Mass? Please know that you are very welcome. During the 10.30 am Holy Mass outwith holidays, there is a Children’s Liturgy provided for preschool children, children in Primaries 1 to 3 and a Sacramental Programme for children in Primary 4. After the 10.30 am Holy Mass, tea, coffee cakes and buns are available in the Parish Centre. At both of our weekend Holy Masses, we have a second collection for Church maintenance.

Our advertisers would welcome your support. We are grateful for their continuing sponsorship. We are grateful for the support of Mr and Mrs Sohal, Nisa Stores, Glasgow Street for the weekly donation of tea, coffee and milk for the Sunday teas.

The Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God's purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity
with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members, to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults.