BULLETIN                                   28 JANUARY 2018


Saturday 27 January  

Our Lady's Day
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Paul Barnes
Vigil Mass of Sunday at 5.30pm for Eamon Lennon

Sunday 28 January  

Fourth Sunday of Year 2
Sunday Mass at 10.30am for the congregation

Monday 29 January  

Holy Mass at 10.00am for Margaret Haddow

Tuesday 30 January  

Holy Mass at 10.00am for Paddy Doherty

Wednesday 31 January  

Memorial of Saint John Bosco
Holy Mass at 10.00am for the homeless in Ardrossan

Thursday 1 February  

Holy Mass at 10.00am for those in hospital and care homes

Friday 2 February  

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Blessing of Candles
Holy Mass at 10.00am for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Saturday 3 February  

Memorial of Saint Blaise - Blessing of Throats
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Gerry Markland and a full recovery
Vigil Mass of Sunday at 5.30pm for Jimmy and Emily McLaughlin

The Holy Mass intention list is just over two weeks ahead. Please notify anniversaries as early as you can. Thanks.
Any changes to the above times caused, for example, by a funeral will be notified on the home page of this website.

Saturday 27 January  
Vigil Mass at 4.30pm

Holy Mass at 10.00am

Sunday 28 January  
Sunday Mass at 10.00am

Sunday Mass at 11.30am

Monday 29 January  
Service at 10.00am Holy Mass at 10.00am
Tuesday 30 January  
Holy Mass at 10.00am Service at 10.00am
Wednesday 31 January  
  Holy Mass at 10.00am
Thursday 1 February  
Service at 10.00am Holy Mass at 10.00am
Friday 2 February  
Holy Mass at 10.00am Service at 10.00am
Saturday 3 February  
Vigil Mass at 4.30pm

Holy Mass at 10.00am

Sunday 28 January  


Tea and Coffee after Holy Mass

Monday 29 January  
9.30 to 11.30am
5.30 to 6.30pm
6.30 to 8.00pm
7.30 pm

Parents and Toddlers
Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Tuesday 30 January  
9.00 to 11.00am

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Irish Dancing

Wednesday 31 January  
3.45pm Irish Dancing
Thursday 1 February  
6.00 to 7.30pm


Friday 2 February  
9.30 to 11.30am Parents and Toddlers
Saturday 3 February  
7.00pm Burns Supper

Please remember in your prayers:
Margaret Haddow (East Kilbride), Paddy Doherty (Ireland) and Colin Finnie (Glasgow) who died recently;
Ian Michael Falsey 2004, Agnes Marshall 2012, John Ryan 2001, Susanna Brodie 1963, Iain Clarke 2012, Marie Coyle sister of Father Joe Boland 2017, Joseph Lynn 1997, John McKay, Ellen McCarroll 1980, James McDermid 2005, Rachel Cairnie 1988, Canon Shaun Crowley 2001, Joseph Foran 1994, Jessie Flynn, Rena Heneaghan 1976, Mary Kelly 2006, Marie Matthews 2005, Emily McLaughlin 2014, Ronnie Sliwinski 2016, Sadie Burns 2009, Rachel Cairnie 1998, Janet Cunningham 1999, Father Joe Davie SDB 2002, Sister Margaret of Jesus (Theresa Campbell) 2016, Tony Tourish 1993 and William Twigg whose anniversaries occur at this time and those who are sick.
If deceased members of your family are not on our anniversary list, please tell Father Duncan
, the parish office or contact WebsiteAuthor@SaintPeterinChains.net.

Sunday Mass times in Saint Peter's are 5.30 pm Vigil and 10.30 am. Sunday Holy Mass times in other local parishes can be seen here.

The Sacrament of Forgiveness is celebrated on Saturdays between 4.45 and 5.15 pm and at other times on request.

If a member of your family or a friend is sick, please let us know and give us the details. Deacon Bill Corbett (01292 521208, 07904 248948, Rev.BillCorbett@btinternet.com) is the chaplain to Crosshouse Hospital and is assisted by the priest on call each week.

Bankers Orders for the Parish and Parish Centre amount to £3500 per month. We are grateful for your generous support in collections. If you can manage a little more from time to time, it would be a great help. A Standing Order would make the handling of money so much easier. Have you signed a Gift Aid form? If you are a taxpayer the Church would get 25p added to every £1 you donate.

Last weekend's Offertory collection amounted to £482.40 and the Maintenance Fund collection to £201.19 - thanks.

The Inland Revenue now requires us to use a new style of Gift Aid form. These are available at the back of the Church and on the parish website. If you pay tax, please complete the new form and return it to the box provided. This allows us to provide the additional information required on the Gift Aid claim. Gift Aid is a vital source of income. All that is needed is that you pay tax. You simply declare that you give funds to the Church. We do the rest. Why not sign a form today? We get back an extra 25p for every £1 you give the Church in your weekly collection or by way of a donation. There is no need to cancel or renew it. We simply claim in the income we receive.

Our parish records are covered by the Data Protection Act and are for parish use only. We cannot give out phone numbers or addresses. Please help us to keep our records up to date using the cards provided.

Next weekend's readers are Julie Coldwell at 5.30pm and Patricia Milligan at 10.30am.

Next weekend's altar servers are Group 1 at 5.30pm and Group 4 at 10.30am.

Next weekend's musicians are the choir at 5.30pm and Saint Peter's Primary School at 10.30am.

Next week's Children's Liturgy helpers are Emma Paterson for the pre-fives, Andrena Hughes and Emily Tarbet for Primaries 1, 2 and 3 and Jacqueline Smith and Maria Paterson-Kidd for Primary 4.

Tea and coffee will be served after the 10.30am Mass next Sunday in the Parish Centre by Maria Boyle's team. Can you help? We are in need of some additional volunteers to form a team or would be interested in forming a team to help with the Sunday morning teas and coffees. If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office on 464063.

We welcome to the Family of the Church Theo Michael Guthrie, who will be baptised today. Congratulations to his parents and Godparents.

Pope Francis's intention for January 2018 is for Religious Minorities in Asia - that Christians and other religious minorities in Asian countries may be able to practise their faith in full freedom.

The 2018 Burns Supper will take place in the Parish Centre on Saturday 3 February at 7.00 pm. Patrons are asked to be seated by 6.50 pm for a prompt start. The Immortal Memory will be delivered by Drew Cochrane, shown below left, for forty years the Editor of the Largs and Millport Weekly News. Former parishioner, Martin Cosgrove, shown below centre, will propose the Toast to the Lassies and our parishioner, Julie Coldwell, shown below right, will reply.

Other participants are Father Duncan, Canon Matt, Bill Andrew, Aidan and Bethany McGrath, George McGrattan and Ciaran Sinclair. Tickets cost £15 and can be booked in advance though the Parish Office on 01294 464063. Patrons can request group seating arrangements to be with friends. The meal will be prepared and served by Michael and Fiona Brown, family and friends. Vegetarian meals are available with notice as an alternative to the traditional Burns Supper main course. There are more details on the Church website. Your support is appreciated.

The Feast of the Presentation or Candlemas will be celebrated on Friday 2 February. If you would like candles blessed for home, please bring them with you and place them in front of the altar.

Saturday 3 February is the Memorial of Saint Blaise. On his feast day, there is a special Blessing of the Throat, asking God for his protection and healing. Suffering and illness have always been among the greatest problems that trouble the human spirit. The blessing of the sick is a very ancient custom, rooted in imitation of Christ himself and his apostles. The annual blessing of throats is a traditional sign of the struggle against illness in the life of the Christian. Saint Blaise was the bishop of Sebaste in Armenia during the fourth century. Very little is known about his life. According to various accounts, he was a physician before becoming a bishop. His cult spread throughout the entire Church in the Middle Ages because he was reputed to have miraculously cured a little boy who nearly died because of a fishbone in his throat. From the eighth century he has been invoked on behalf of the sick. The blessing may be given by touching the throat of each person with two candles blessed on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord and which have been joined together in the form of a cross.

Our High School just had a concert, and we went through a long and trying two-hour practice on the afternoon of a concert. As we sat down to play, this came to mind. I hope you like it… Life is like playing in an orchestra. Firstly, God gives you your instrument and some music and you sit down to play but you say"God, I've never played this piece before! Look at all of those notes! I'll never be able to do it!" But God gets up on the pedestal and holds His baton in His hand. He winks at you and says calmly "Just follow me." You say "But God, that will be too hard ... can't we play this other song? It looks a whole lot easier and a lot more fun to play." but God says "No, follow MY lead." Well, you decide that it doesn't matter what God says, you want to play the other song. So, as He raises His baton and begins to conduct, you ignore Him and begin wailing away at the piece you wanted to play. However, it just doesn't quite work. The music doesn't sound beautiful at all, because it's not the way God wanted you to play. After a little more playing and a whole lot more frustration, you realise that it would be better just to listen to your conductor. So, with a red face you silently search for the piece God wants you to play. "But God, it looks so hard." But God just smiles caringly and taps the baton on His stand. "No matter what, follow Me. Just look up at Me and I will lead you." He whispers. So, you begin to play. In the beginning, it seems as though you will never be able to play this piece. All you can see are those notes rushing by. Then you remember what God said ... "LOOK UP" ... so you look up and see God carefully counting out the beats for you and if you listen really carefully, you can hear His Voice humming your part. The song is the most beautiful song that you have ever heard and you find that as long as your eyes are fixed on the conductor, you are able to play along. All you have to do is look up! Sure, some parts are REALLY tough, but as long as you follow the conductor and listen to His steady rhythm, you can make it through. All you have to do is LOOK UP!

Why don't you come and meet the Lord Jesus by confessing your sins and receive the Lord's forgiveness and peace? Leaflets are available in the confessional to help prepare and get the most out of this special sacrament. Let us open our hearts to the love and mercy Christ so generously gives. Confession is a gift of grace. It's up to you! He is waiting…

A priest was completing a sermon on moderation and abstinence. With great expression, he said "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." With even greater emphasis he said "And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." And then finally, he said"And if I had all the whisky in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." Then he sat down at the end of his sermon. The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a smile "For our offertory hymn, let us sing hymn number 365, "Shall We Gather at the River."

Today is Homelessness Sunday. CHANA - Churches Homeless Action North Ayrshire - tries to provide support for those who are homeless. So far, the response from you has been very generous. In North Ayrshire, around 750 people present as homeless every year. That is an average of more than fourteen per week, so there is an ongoing need. There will be a leaflet available to day explaining CHANA's work.

Are you thinking about Diocesan Priesthood in 2018? For more information, please contact your Diocesan Vocations Director, Father Willie Boyd, Saint Mary's Church, Irvine on 01294 279130 or WH.Boyd@btinternet.com. Alternatively, you can email the Priests for Scotland Office on office@pfs.org.uk.

The Diocesan World Day of the Sick Mass will be held on Sunday 11 February at 4.00pm in Saint Margaret's Cathedral, Ayr. Galloway Lourdes Hospitalité looks forward to welcoming you, if you wish to be anointed, please make yourself known to a member of the Hospitalité team on the day. Mass will be followed by refreshments in the hall and the Hospitalité annual general meeting.

Embracing Change in our Deanery is planning a Deanery Meeting of all our Eucharistic Ministers and anyone who takes Holy Communion to a relative near the Feast of Corpus Christi in June 2018. The meeting will comprise revisiting the Eucharistic Ministry in our parishes and end with Holy Mass and Commission. The suggested date is Saturday 2 June from 1.00 to 4.00pm in Saint Peter's. Please put this in your diaries. Thanks!

At the last meeting of our parish Eucharistic Ministers, the suggestion arose about Adoration once a week in Saint Peter's. The idea would be to start this on the Fridays of Lent with Adoration for twenty minutes, followed by a simple Benediction after Holy Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend some silent time with the Lord, talking and listening to Him. Have a think if you would like to support a weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Early years registration is now taking place at Saint Peter's Childen's Centre for children with dates of birth between 1 March 2014 and 28 February 2016. Staff are qualified to degree level and are Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate inspected. Children aged three and above are funded by the local authority. The hours are 8.50am to 12 noon on Mondays to Fridays. To register or for further information, please phone Josephine Coulter on 473030, email her on StPetersChildrensCentre@yahoo.co.uk or visit between 9.00am and 12 noon from Mondays to Fridays. Please bring your child's birth certificate.

A sing-along, led by George McGrattan and Michael McCulloch, shown below, in aid of the Special Religious Education Group (SPRED) will be held on Tuesday 20 February from 1.00 to 2.45pm in the Civic Centre, Ardrossan. Tickets cost £3 with tea or coffee and are available at the stall.

Are you visiting us for Holy Mass? Please know that you are very welcome. During the 10.30 am Holy Mass outwith holidays, there is a Children’s Liturgy provided for preschool children, children in Primaries 1 to 3 and a Sacramental Programme for children in Primary 4. After the 10.30 am Holy Mass, tea, coffee cakes and buns are available in the Parish Centre. At both of our weekend Holy Masses, we have a second collection for Church maintenance.

Our advertisers would welcome your support. We are grateful for their continuing sponsorship. We are grateful for the support of Mr and Mrs Sohal, Nisa Stores, Glasgow Street for the weekly donation of tea, coffee and milk for the Sunday teas.

The Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God's purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity
with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members, to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults.